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Scientific publications resulting from research at The Neurosciences Institute 1982 - 2017

1. Edelman, G.M., and G.N. Reeke, Jr. (1982) Selective networks capable of representative transformations, limited generalizations, and associative memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 79:2091-2095.

2. Edelman, G.M. (1982) Through a computer darkly: Group selection and higher brain function. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 36:20-49.

3. Edelman, G.M., and L.H. Finkel (1984) Neuronal group selection in the cerebral cortex. In Dynamic Aspects of Neocortical Function, G.M. Edelman, W.E. Gall, and W.M. Cowan, eds., pp. 653-695, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

4. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1984) Selective networks and recognition automata. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 426:181-201.

5. Finkel, L.H., and G.M. Edelman (1985) Interaction of synaptic modification rules within populations of neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 82:1291-1295.

6. Edelman, G.M. (1985) Neural Darwinism: Population thinking and higher brain function. In How We Know (Nobel Conference XX), M. Shafto, ed., pp. 1-30, Harper & Row, San Francisco.

7. Gallin, W.J., C.-M. Chuong, L.H. Finkel, and G.M. Edelman (1986) Antibodies to liver cell adhesion molecule perturb inductive interactions and alter feather pattern and structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 83:8235-8239.

8. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1986) Recognition automata based on selective neural networks. In Structure and Dynamics of Nucleic Acids, Proteins, and Membranes, E. Clementi and S. Chin, eds., pp. 329-353, Plenum Press, New York.

9. Pearson, J.C., L.H. Finkel, and G.M. Edelman (1987) Plasticity in the organization of adult cerebral cortical maps: A computer simulation based on neuronal group selection. Journal of Neuroscience 7:4209-4223.

10. Finkel, L.H., and G.M. Edelman (1987) Population rules for synapses in networks. In Synaptic Function, G.M. Edelman, W.E. Gall, and W.M. Cowan, eds., pp. 711-757, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

11. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1987) Selective neural networks and their implications for recognition automata. International Journal of Supercomputer Applications 1:44-69.

12. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1988) Real brains and artificial intelligence. Daedalus 117:143-173.

13. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1988) Selective networks and recognition automata. In Advances in Cognitive Science, M. Kochen and H.M. Hastings, eds., pp. 50-71, Westview Press, Inc., Boulder.

14. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1988) Recognition automata based on Neural Darwinism. Forefronts (Cornell University, Center for Theory and Simulation in Science and Engineering, Ithaca, New York) 3:3-6.

15. Finkel, L.H., G.N. Reeke, and G.M. Edelman (1989) A population approach to the neural basis of perceptual categorization. In Neural Connections, Mental Computation, L. Nadel, L.A. Cooper, P. Culicover, and R.M. Harnish, eds., pp. 146-179, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

16. Sporns, O., J.A. Gally, G.N. Reeke, Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1989) Reentrant signaling among simulated neuronal groups leads to coherency in their oscillatory activity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 86:7265-7269.

17. Reeke, G.N., Jr., O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1989) Synthetic neural modelling: Comparisons of population and connectionist approaches. In Connectionism in Perspective, R. Pfeifer, Z. Schreter, F. Fogelman-Soulié, and L. Steels, eds., pp. 113-139, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam.

18. Finkel, L.H., and G.M. Edelman (1989) Integration of distributed cortical systems by reentry: A computer simulation of interactive functionally segregated visual areas. Journal of Neuroscience 9:3188-3208.

19. Finkel, L.H. (1990) A model of receptive field plasticity and topographic map reorganization in the somatosensory cortex. In Connectionist Modeling and Brain Function: The Developing Interface, S.J. Hanson and C.R. Olsen, eds., pp. 164-192, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

20. Reeke, G.N., Jr., L.H. Finkel, and G.M. Edelman (1990) Selective recognition automata. In An Introduction to Neural and Electronic Networks, S.F. Zornetzer, J.L. Davis, and C. Lau, eds., pp. 203-226, Academic Press, San Diego.

21. Gally, J.A., P.R. Montague, G.N. Reeke, Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1990) The NO hypothesis: Possible effects of a short-lived, rapidly diffusible signal in the development and function of the nervous system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 87:3547-3551.

22. Edelman, G.M., and G.N. Reeke, Jr. (1990) Is it possible to construct a perception machine? Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 134:36-73.

23. Edelman, G.M., and G.N. Reeke, Jr. (1990) Neural Darwinism. In Natural and Artificial Parallel Computation, M.A. Arbib and J.A. Robinson, eds., pp. 211-250, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

24. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and O. Sporns (1990) Selectionist models of perceptual and motor systems and implications for functionalist theories of brain function. Physica D 42:347-364.

25. Reeke, G.N., Jr., L.H. Finkel, O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1990) Synthetic neural modeling: A multilevel approach to the analysis of brain complexity. In Signal and Sense: Local and Global Order in Perceptual Maps, G.M. Edelman, W.E. Gall, and W.M. Cowan, eds., pp. 607-707, Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York.

26. Reeke, G.N., Jr., O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1990) Synthetic neural modeling: The "Darwin" series of recognition automata. Proceedings of the IEEE 78:1498-1530.

27. Sporns, O., G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1991) Modeling perceptual grouping and figure-ground segregation by means of active reentrant connections. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 88:129-133.

28. Sporns, O., G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1991) Dynamic interactions of neuronal groups and the problem of cortical integration. In Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuronal Networks: Proceedings of the 63rd W.E. Heraeus Seminar, H.G. Schuster, ed., pp. 205-317, VCH Publishers, Weinheim.

29. Montague, P.R., J.A. Gally, and G.M. Edelman (1991) Spatial signaling in the development and function of neural connections. Cerebral Cortex 1:199-220.

30. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and O. Sporns (1991) Neural Darwinism and selective recognition automata: How selection shapes perceptual categories. In Self-Organization, Emerging Properties, and Learning, A. Babloyantz, ed., pp. 199-218, Plenum Press, New York.

31. Finkel, L.H., G.N. Reeke, Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1992) A cortically based model for integration in visual perception. In Neural Networks for Perception Volume 1: Human and Machine Perception, H. Wechsler, ed., pp. 41-63, Academic Press, San Diego.

32. Jaslove, S.W. (1992) The integrative properties of spiny distal dendrites. Neuroscience 47:495-519.

33. Gally, J.A., and G.M. Edelman (1992) Evidence for gene conversion in genes for cell-adhesion molecules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 89:3276-3279.

34. Tononi, G., O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1992) The problem of neural integration: Induced rhythms and short-term correlations. In Induced Rhythms in the Brain, E. Basar and T.H. Bullock, eds., pp. 367-395, Birkhäuser, Boston.

35. Hanbauer, I., D. Wink, Y. Osawa, G.M. Edelman, and J.A. Gally (1992) Role of nitric oxide in NMDA-evoked release of [3H]-dopamine from striatal slices. Neuroreport 3:409-412.

36. Edelman, G.M., G.N. Reeke, Jr., W.E. Gall, G. Tononi, D. Williams, and O. Sporns (1992) Synthetic neural modeling applied to a real-world artifact. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 89:7267-7271.

37. Tononi, G., O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1992) Reentry and the problem of integrating multiple cortical areas: Simulation of dynamic integration in the visual system. Cerebral Cortex 2:310-335.

38. Reeke, G.N., Jr. (1992) Neural net and neuronal nets: How much like the nervous system should a model be? In Proceedings of the Course on Neuropsychology: The Neuronal Basis of Cognitive Function, Fidia Research Foundation, ed., pp. 15-27, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York.

39. Tononi, G. (1992) Modeling perceptual grouping and figure-ground segregation: How the brain may avoid some computational pitfalls. In Proceedings of the Course on Neuropsychology: The Neuronal Basis of Cognitive Function, Fidia Research Foundation, ed., pp. 43-53, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York.

40. Edelman, G.M. (1992) Linking brain to behavior: Value and selection in neural populations. In Proceedings of the Course on Neuropsychology: The Neuronal Basis of Cognitive Function, Fidia Research Foundation, ed., pp. 55-66, Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York.

41. Edelman, G.M., and J.A. Gally (1992) Nitric oxide: Linking space and time in the brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 89:11651-11652.

42. Tononi, G. (1992) Reentry and the integration of brain function. Scientific Contributions to General Psychology 8:27-51.

43. Edelman, G.M. (1993) Neural Darwinism: Selection and reentrant signaling in higher brain function. Neuron 10:115-125.

44. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and O. Sporns (1993) Behaviorally based modeling and computational approaches to neuroscience. Annual Review of Neuroscience 16:597-623.

45. Sporns, O., G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1993) Correlated neuronal activity and behavior. In ICANN '93: Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, S. Gielen and B. Kappen, eds., pp. 125-130, Springer-Verlag, London.

46. Sporns, O., and G.M. Edelman (1993) Solving Bernstein's problem: A proposal for the development of coordinated movement by selection. Child Development 64:960-981.

47. Reeke, G.N., Jr., O. Sporns, W.E. Gall, G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1993) A biologically based synthetic nervous system for a real-world device. In Artificial Neural Networks for Speech and Vision, R.J. Mammone, ed., pp. 457-473, Chapman & Hall, London.

48. Friston, K.J. (1993) Characterizing focal and distributed physiological changes with neuroimaging. In Quantification of Brain Function: Tracer Kinetics and Image Analysis in Brain PET, N.A. Uemura, N.A. Lassen, T. Jones, and I. Kanno, eds., pp. 573-586, Elsevier Science Publishers, New York.

49. Friston, K.J., G. Tononi, G.N. Reeke, Jr., O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1994) Value-dependent selection in the brain: Simulation in a synthetic neural model. Neuroscience 59:229-243.

50. Tononi, G., O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1994) A measure for brain complexity: Relating functional segregation and integration in the nervous system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 91:5033-5037.

51. Sporns, O., G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1994) Neural models of cortical integration. In Functional Neuroimaging: Technical Foundations, R.W. Thatcher, M. Hallett, T. Zeffiro, E.R. John, and M. Huerta, eds., pp. 1-7, Academic Press, San Diego.

52. Sporns, O. (1994) Selectionist and instructionist ideas in neuroscience. In Selectionism and the Brain, O. Sporns and G. Tononi, eds., pp. 3-26, Academic Press, San Diego.

53. Alber, R., O. Sporns, T. Weikert, E. Willbold, and P.G. Layer (1994) Cholinesterases and peanut agglutinin binding related to cell proliferation and axonal growth in embryonic chick limbs. Anatomy and Embryology 190:429-438.

54. Horwitz, B., and O. Sporns (1994) Neural modeling and functional neuroimaging. Human Brain Mapping 1:269-283.

55. Sporns, O., G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1994) Reentry and dynamical interactions of cortical networks. In Models of Neural Networks II: Temporal Aspects of Coding and Information Processing in Biological Systems, E. Domany, J.L. van Hemmen, and K. Schulten, eds., pp. 315-341, Springer-Verlag, New York.

56. Tononi, G. (1994) Reentry and the problem of cortical integration. In Selectionism and the Brain, O. Sporns and G. Tononi, eds., pp. 127-152, Academic Press, San Diego.

57. Sporns, O., G.M. Edelman, and K.L. Crossin (1995) The neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) inhibits proliferation in primary cultures of rat astrocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92:542-546.

58. Krushel, L.A., O. Sporns, B.A. Cunningham, K.L. Crossin, and G.M. Edelman (1995) Neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) inhibits astrocyte proliferation after injury to different regions of the adult rat brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92:4323-4327.

59. Edelman, G.M., and G. Tononi (1995) Neural Darwinism: The brain as a selectional system. In Nature's Imagination: The Frontiers of Scientific Vision, J. Cornwell, ed., pp. 78-100, Oxford University Press, New York.

60. Edelman, G.M. (1995) Memory and the individual soul: Against silly reductionism. In Nature's Imagination: The Frontiers of Scientific Vision, J. Cornwell, ed., pp. 200-206, Oxford University Press, New York.

61. Reeke, G.N., Jr., and G.M. Edelman (1995) A Darwinist view of the prospects for conscious artifacts. In Consciousness: Distinction and Reflection, G. Trautter, ed., pp. 106-130, Bibliopolis, Naples.

62. de Couet, H.G., K.S.K. Fong, A.G. Weeds, P.J. McLaughlin, and G.L.G. Miklos (1995) Molecular and mutational analysis of a gelsolin-family member encoded by the flightless I gene of Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 141:1049-1059.

63. Reeke, G.N., Jr. (1995) Unitary consciousness requires distributed comparators and global mappings. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18:693-694.

64. Sporns, O. (1995) Neural models of perception and behavior. In 1993 Lectures in Complex Systems: SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, L. Nadel and D.L. Stein, eds., pp. 171-229, Addison-Wesley, Boston.

65. König, P., and A.K. Engel (1995) Correlated firing in sensory-motor systems. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 5:511-519.

66. Friston, K.J., G. Tononi, O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1995) Characterizing the complexity of neuronal interactions. Human Brain Mapping 3:302-314.

67. Venance, L., D. Piomelli, J. Glowinski, and C. Giaume (1995) Inhibition by anandamide of gap junctions and intercellular calcium signalling in striatal astrocytes. Nature 376:590-593.

68. Cirelli, C., M. Pompeiano, and G. Tononi (1995) In vivo antisense approaches to the role of immediate early gene expression in the brain. Regulatory Peptides 59:151-162.

69. Piomelli, D. (1995) Storia della Canapa Indiana Breve ma Veridica [Brief but Veridical History of Indian Hemp]. Rome, Millelire. 62.

70. Tononi, G., C. Cirelli, and M. Pompeiano (1995) Changes in gene expression during the sleep-waking cycle: A new view of activating systems. Archives Italiennes de Biologie 134:21-37.

71. Cadas, H., and D. Piomelli (1995) Anandamide. In Neuropeptides et Neuromédiateurs, J. Epelbaum, ed., pp. 53-62, Laboratoires Sandoz, Rueil-Malmaison, Paris.

72. Verschure, P.F.M.J., J. Wray, O. Sporns, G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1995) Multilevel analysis of classical conditioning in a behaving real world artifact: An illustration of synthetic neural modeling. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 16:247-265.

73. Maleszka, R., S.D. Hanes, R.L. Hackett, H.G. de Couet, and G.L.G. Miklos (1996) The Drosophila melanogaster dodo (dod) gene, conserved in humans, is functionally interchangeable with the ESSI cell division gene of Saccaromyces cerevisiae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93:447-451.

74. Wang, Y., F.S. Jones, L.A. Krushel, and G.M. Edelman (1996) Embryonic expression patterns of the neural cell adhesion molecule gene are regulated by homeodomain binding sites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93:1892-1896.

75. Tononi, G., O. Sporns, and G.M. Edelman (1996) A complexity measure for selective matching of signals by the brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93:3422-3427.

76. Edelman, G.M., and G. Tononi (1996) Selection and development: The brain as a complex system. In The Lifespan Development of Individuals: Behavioral, Neurobiological, and Psychosocial Perspectives, D. Magnusson, ed., pp. 179-204, Cambridge University Press, New York.

77. König, P., A.K. Engel, and W. Singer (1996) Integrator or coincidence detector? The role of the cortical neuron revisited. Trends in Neurosciences 19:130-137.

78. Tranque, P., K.L. Crossin, C. Cirelli, G.M. Edelman, and V.P. Mauro (1996) Identification and characterization of a RING zinc finger gene (C-RZF) expressed in chicken embryo cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93:3105-3109.

79. Cirelli, C., M. Pompeiano, and G. Tononi (1996) Locus coeruleus lesions decrease c-fos expression during wakefulness. APSS Abstract Book 10:1.

80. Cirelli, C., M. Pompeiano, and G. Tononi (1996) New perspectives on sleep and gene expression. Sleep Research Society Bulletin 2:12-17.

81. Wang, Y., L.A. Krushel, and G.M. Edelman (1996) Targeted DNA recombination in vivo using an adenovirus carrying the cre recombinase gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93:3932-3936.

82. Cadas, H., S. Gaillet, M. Beltrome, L. Venance, and D. Piomelli (1996) Biosynthesis of an endogenous cannabinoid precursor in neurons and its control by calcium and cAMP. Journal of Neuroscience 16:3934-3942.

83. Cirelli, C., M. Pompeiano, and G. Tononi (1996) C-fos expression during wakefulness is decreased after lesions of the locus coeruleus. Journal of Sleep Research 5:34.

84. Pompeiano, M., C. Cirelli, and G. Tononi (1996) Differences in gene expression between wakefulness and sleep revealed by mRNA differential display. Journal of Sleep Research 5S1:181.

85. Lammers, C.H., P. Schweitzer, P. Facchinetti, J.M. Arrang, S.G. Madamba, G.R. Siggins, and D. Piomelli (1996) Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase and its activating protein: Prominent hippocampal expression and role in somatostatin signaling. Journal of Neurochemistry 66:147-152.

86. Di Tomaso, E., M. Beltramo, and D. Piomelli (1996) Brain cannabinoids in chocolate. Nature 382:677-678.

87. Gally, J.A. (1996) The effects of nitric oxide on cortical function. In Excitatory Amino Acids and the Cerebral Cortex, F. Conti and T.P. Hicks, eds., pp. 189-200, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

88. Miklos, G.L.G., and G.M. Rubin (1996) The role of the genome project in determining gene function: Insights from model organisms. Cell 86:521-529.

89. Wray, J., and G.M. Edelman (1996) A model of color vision based on cortical reentry. Cerebral Cortex 6:701-716.

90. Cirelli, C., M. Pompeiano, and G. Tononi (1996) Neuronal gene expression in the waking state: A new role for the locus coeruleus. Science 274:1211-1215.

91. Cadas, H., S. Schinelli, and D. Piomelli (1996) Membrane localization of N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine in central neurons: Studies with exogenous phospholipases. Journal of Lipid Mediators and Cell Signalling 14:63-70.

92. Balaban, E., J.S. Alper, and Y.L. Kasamon (1996) Mean genes and the biology of aggression: A critical review of recent animal and human research. Journal of Neurogenetics 11:1-43.

93. Cirelli, C. (1996) Commentary on "Altered circadian activity rhythms and sleep in mice devoid of prion protein" by Tobler et al. Nature 380:639-642.

94. Tononi, G. (1996) What is the minimal brain unit capable of sleep? World Federation of Sleep Research Societies Newsletter 5:9-11.

95. Tononi, G. (1996) Per un modello interpretativo della mente [Towards an interpretive model of the mind]. Problemi in Psichiatria 11:9-32.

96. Rucci, M., G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1997) Registration of neural maps through value-dependent learning: Modeling the alignment of auditory and visual maps in the barn owl's optic tectum. Journal of Neuroscience 17:334-352.

97. Roelfsema, P.R., A.K. Engel, P. König, and W. Singer (1997) Visuomotor integration is associated with zero time-lag synchronziation among cortical areas. Nature 385:157-161.

98. Cadas, H., E. di Tomaso, and D. Piomelli (1997) Occurrence and biosynthesis of endogenous cannabinoid precursor, n-arachidonoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, in rat brain. Journal of Neuroscience 17:1226-1242.

99. Beltramo, M., E. di Tomaso, and D. Piomelli (1997) Inhibition of anandamide hydrolysis in rat brain tissue by (E)-6-(bromomethylene) tetrahydro-3-(1-naphthalenyl)-2H-pyran-2-one. FEBS Letters 403:263-267.

100. Balaban, E. (1997) Changes in multiple brain regions underlie species differences in a complex congenital behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 94:2001-2006.

101. Crossin, K.L., M.-H. Tai, L.A. Krushel, V.P. Mauro, and G.M. Edelman (1997) Glucocorticoid receptor pathways are involved in the inhibition of astrocyte proliferation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 94:2687-2692.

102. Lin, S., J. Si, and A.B. Schwartz (1997) Self-organization of firing activities in monkey's motor cortex: Trajectory computation from spike signals. Neural Computation 9:607-621.

103. Rucci, M., J. Wray, G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1997) A robotic system emulating the adaptive orienting behavior of the barn owl. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 1997 1:443-448. doi:10.1109/ROBOT.1997.620077

104. Lumer, E.D., G.M. Edelman, and G. Tononi (1997) Neural dynamics in a model of the thalamocortical system I. Layers, loops and the emergence of fast synchronous rhythms. Cerebral Cortex 7:207-227.

105. Lumer, E.D., G.M. Edelman, and G. Tononi (1997) Neural dynamics in a model of the thalamocortical system II. The role of neural synchrony tested through perturbations of spike timing. Cerebral Cortex 7:228-236.

106. Stella, N., A. Estelles, J. Siciliano, M. Tence, S. Desagher, D. Piomelli, J. Glowinski, and J. Premont (1997) Interleukin-1 enhances the ATP-evoked release of arachidonic acid from mouse astrocytes. Journal of Neuroscience 17:2939-2946.

107. Miklos, G.L.G., M.T. Yamamoto, R.G. Burns, and R. Maleszka (1997) An essential cell division gene of Drosophila, absent from Saccharmyces, encodes an unusual protein with tubulin-like and myosin-like peptide motifs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 94:5189-5194.

108. Rucci, M., J. Wray, and G.M. Edelman (1997) Adaptation of orienting behavior: From the barn owl to a robotic system. IEEE International Symposium on Computation Intelligence in Robotics and Automation 1997:91-93. doi:10.1109/CIRA.1997.613843

109. Beltramo, M., A. Calas, E. Chernigovskaya, J. Thibaults, and M. Ugrumov (1997) Long-lasting effect of catecholamine deficiency on differentiating vasopressin and oxytocin neurons in the rat supraoptic nucleus. Neuroscience 79:555-561.

110. Sporns, O. (1997) Variation and selection in neural function. Trends in Neurosciences 20:291.

111. Stella, N., P. Schweitzer, and D. Piomelli (1997) A second endogenous cannabinoid that modulates long-term potentiation. Nature 388:773-778.

112. Beltramo, M., N. Stella, A. Calignano, A. Makriyannis, and D. Piomelli (1997) Functional role of high-affinity anandamide transport, as revealed by selective inhibition. Science 277:1094-1097.

113. Phillips, G.R., L.A. Krushel, and K.L. Crossin (1997) Developmental expression of two rat sialyltransferases that modify the neural cell adhesion molecule, N-CAM. Developmental Brain Research 102:143-155.

114. Sporns, O., and S. Jenkinson (1997) Potassium ion- and nitric oxide-induced exocytosis from populations of hippocampal synapses during synaptic maturation in vitro. Neuroscience 80:1057-1073.

115. Calignano, A., G. La Rana, M. Beltramo, A. Makriyannis, and D. Piomelli (1997) Potentiation of anandamide-induced hypotension by the anandamide transport inhibitor, AM404. European Journal of Pharmacology 337:R1-R2.

116. Calignano, A., G. La Rana, A. Makriyannis, S.Y. Lin, M. Beltramo, and D. Piomelli (1997) Inhibition of intestinal motility by anandamide, an endogenous cannabinoid. European Journal of Pharmacology 340:R7-R8.

117. Edelman, G.M., and G. Tononi (1997) Neuronaler Darwinismus: Eine Selektionistische Betrachtungsweise des Gehirns. In Der Mensch und sein Gehirn, H. Meier and D. Ploog, eds., pp. 187-233, Piper Verlag, Munich.

118. Cirelli, C., M. Pompeiano, and G. Tononi (1997) Immediate early genes as a tool to understand the regulation of the sleep-waking cycle: Immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization and antisense approaches. In Molecular Regulation of Conscious States, R. Lydic, ed., pp. 45-55, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

119. Pompeiano, M., C. Cirelli, and G. Tononi (1997) Reverse transcription mRNA differential display: A systematic molecular approach to identify changes in gene expression across the sleep-waking cycle. In Molecular Regulation of Conscious States, R. Lydic, ed., pp. 157-165, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

120. Maleszka, R., A. Lupas, S.D. Hanes, and G.L.G. Miklos (1997) The dodo gene family encodes a novel protein involved in signal transduction and protein folding. Gene 203:89-93.

121. Maleszka, R., and G.L.G. Miklos (1997) Drosophila melanogaster dodo. In Guidebook to Molecular Chaperones and Protein Folding Catalysts, M.J. Gething, ed., pp. 440-443, Oxford University Press, New York.

122. Greenspan, R.J. (1997) A kinder, gentler genetic analysis of behavior: Dissection gives way to modulation. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 7:805-811.

123. Sporns, O. (1997) Deconstructing neural constructivism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20:576-577.

124. Balaban, E. (1997) Un nuovo approccio allo studio dell'instinto [A new approach to the study of instinct]. Problemi in Psichiatria 14:5-23.

125. König, P., C. Chiang, and A. von Stein (1997) Internal context and top-down processing. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20:691-692.

126. Si, J., D.R. Kipke, S. Lin, A.B. Schwartz, and P.D. Perepelkin (1998) Motor cortical information processing. In Strategies in the Study of Biological Neural Networks, H. Eichenbaum and J.L. Davis, eds., pp. 137-159, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.

127. Giuffrida, A., and D. Piomelli (1998) Isotope dilution GC/MS determination of anandamide and other fatty acylethanolamides in rat blood plasma. FEBS Letters 422:373-376.

128. Long, K.D., and J.M. Salbaum (1998) Evolutionary conservation of the immediate-early gene ZENK. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15:284-292.

129. Tononi, G., R. Srinivasan, D.P. Russell, and G.M. Edelman (1998) Investigating neural correlates of conscious perception by frequency-tagged neuromagnetic responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95:3198-3203.

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1058. Schwartz, A.B. (1998) Motor cortical encoding of speed and direction during drawing. Proceedings 9th Annual Spring Brain Conference.

1059. Edelman, D.B., and G.N. Reeke, Jr. (1998) The relationship between structure and function in the hominoid proximal femur: An application of the finite element method. Dual Congress, International Association for the Study of Human Palaeontology and International Association of Human Biologists, Abstract.

1060. Calignano, A., G. La Rana, A. Giuffrida, and D. Piomelli (1998) Control of pain initiation by endogenous cannabinoids. Int. Cannabinoid Research Society Abstr.:28.

1061. Long, K.D., and E. Balaban (1998) Are you my mother? Neurobiological correlates of species differences in maternal cell preferences. Fifth International Congress of Neuroethology Abstr. 108:103.

1062. Long, K.D., J.M. Salbaum, and E. Balaban (1998) Immediate-early gene expression in juvenile gallinacious birds in response to conspecific and heterospecific maternal calls. Fifth International Congress of Neuroethology Abstr. 108:318.

1063. Walcott, E.C., and R.B. Langdon (1998) Synaptic facilitation and depression during g-burst activation of inputs to neocortical layers 1 and 2/3. Keystone Symposium Abstr.:42.

1064. Salbaum, J.M. (1998) Cloning and developmental expression of Punc, a novel mouse gene of the immunoglobin superfamily. Keystone Symposium Abstr.:42.

1065. Greenspan, R.J. (1998) Genetics studies of courtship and plasticity in Drosophila. Goettingen Neurobiology Conference Abstr. 1998:105.

1066. Srinivasan, R., D.P. Russell, G.M. Edelman, and G. Tononi (1998) Visually-evoked steady-state neuromagnetic fields are correlated with perceptual dominance in binocular rivalry. Biomag 98 Conference Abstr.:204.

1067. Russell, D.P., R. Srinivasan, G.M. Edelman, and G. Tononi (1998) Modulation of visually-evoked steady-state neuromagnetic field by selective attention. Biomag 98 Conference Abstr.:201.

1068. Almássy, N., G.M. Edelman, and O. Sporns (1998) Development of long-range horizontal connections in a model of a higher visual area embedded in a behaving real world device. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:2095.

1069. Bradley, J., and O. Sporns (1998) BDNF-dependent enhancement of exocytosis in cultured cortical neurons requires translation but not transcription. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:1784.

1070. Cirelli, C., and G. Tononi (1998) Changes in gene expression after long-term sleep deprivation in rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:1430.

1071. Krushel, L.A., B.A. Cunningham, G.M. Edelman, and K.L. Crossin (1998) N-CAM binding to astrocytes and neurons induces NF-kB and AP-1 binding activity. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:1265.

1072. Langdon, R.B. (1998) Long-term potentiation and the neocortical layer 2/3 response to ascending/recurrent input. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:512.

1073. Long, K.D., J.M. Salbaum, and E. Balaban (1998) Immediate-early gene expression in juvenile gallinaceous birds in response to conspecific and heterospecific maternal calls. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:699.

1074. Moran, D.W., G.A. Reina, and A.B. Schwartz (1998) Effect of a virtual reality illusion on premotor cortical population vectors during drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:655.

1075. Rucci, M., G.M. Edelman, and J. Wray (1998) Modeling the influence of eye movements on the development of orientation selectivity. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:812.

1076. Shaw, B.K. (1998) Towards an analysis of the changes in neural circuitry that underlie species differences in crowing behavior in gallinaceous birds: Using perturbing brain stimulation to investigate the role of a midbrain vocal nucleus. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:1187.

1077. Shaw, P.J., and G. Tononi (1998) Changes in Fos expression during the sleep-wake cycle after lesions of the serotonergic system. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:937.

1078. Srinivasan, R., D.P. Russell, G.M. Edelman, and G. Tononi (1998) Perceptual dominance in binocular rivalry modulates steady-state visually-evoked neuromagnetic fields. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:433.

1079. Stella, N., and D. Piomelli (1998) Receptor-dependent formation of 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG), an endogenous cannabinoid ligand. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:1245.

1080. Walcott, E.C., and R.B. Langdon (1998) Synaptic facilitation and depression during g-burst activation of inputs to neocortical layers 1 and 2/3. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:321.

1081. Shaw, P.J., C. Cirelli, and G. Tononi (1999) Effects of chronic paradoxical sleep deprivation on gene expression in the cerebral cortex of the rat. APSS 13th Annual Meeting 22 (Suppl. 1):113.

1082. Wray, J., and R. Srinivasan (1999) Neural correlates of contextual interactions within color perception revealed by MEG dynamics [ARVO Abstract]. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 40:S818.

1083. Moran, D.W., G.A. Reina, and A.B. Schwartz (1999) Construction of motor cortical population vectors using joint angular velocity tuning information. Neural Control of Movement Society Abstr.

1084. Shaw, P.J., C. Cirelli, and G. Tononi (1999) Homeostatic aspects of the rest-activity cycle in Drosophila melanogaster and their molecular correlates. World Federation of Sleep.

1085. Cirelli, C., P.J. Shaw, and G. Tononi (1999) Changes in brain gene expression in sleep, waking and after long-term sleep deprivation. World Federation of Sleep Abstract.

1086. Bradley, J., and O. Sporns (1999) BDNF-Dependent effects on vesicle recycling at individual synaptic sites. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1007.

1087. Cirelli, C., P.J. Shaw, and G. Tononi (1999) Homeostatic aspects of the rest-activity cycle in Drosophila melanogaster. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1130.

1088. Edelman, D.B., R. Meech, and F.S. Jones (1999) Interspecific variability within the repressor domains of Barx2, a homebox protein expressed in neural and craniofacial tissues. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1032.

1089. Habeck, C.G., G.M. Edelman, and G. Tononi (1999) Dynamics of sleep and waking in a large-scale model of the cat thalamocortical system. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:361.

1090. Krichmar, J.L., T.I. Netoff, and J.L. Olds (1999) Place cells emerge in a network of simulated CA3 pyramidal cells that receive robotic sensor input. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1383.

1091. Langdon, R.B., and E.C. Walcott (1999) Unit spike activity underlying the neocortical layer 2/3 response to ascending/recurrent input. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1735.

1092. Long, K.D., J.M. Salbaum, and E. Balaban (1999) Shifts in the distribution of the immediate-early gene ZENK in the development of the quail auditory system as related to the emergence of species call preferences. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:623.

1093. Moran, D.W., G.A. Reina, and A.B. Schwartz (1999) Motor cortical activity during lemniscate drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1662.

1094. Patel, A.D., and E. Balaban (1999) Dynamic neural correlates of tone sequence perception studied with whole-head MEG. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1629.

1095. Reina, G.A., D.W. Moran, and A.B. Schwartz (1999) On the relation between joint angular velocity and motor cortical discharge during movement. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1662.

1096. Shaw, P.J., C. Cirelli, and G. Tononi (1999) Molecular correlates of the rest-activity cycle in Drosophila melanogaster. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1130.

1097. Sporns, O., G. Tononi, and G.M. Edelman (1999) Analyzing anatomical and functional connectivity in graphs and cortical connection matrices. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:1930.

1098. Wray, J., and R. Srinivasan (1999) Synchronization of neural activity during brightness induction revealed by MEG frequency tagging. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:2187.

1099. Broughton, S.J., T. Tully, and R.J. Greenspan (1999) An associative conditioning courtship paradigm in Drosphila melanogaster. Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting Abstr. 1999:35.

1100. Shaw, P.J., C. Cirelli, and G. Tononi (1999) Behavioral and molecular correlates of sleep-like states in Drosophila melanogaster. Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting Abstracts:188.

1101. Shaw, P.J., C. Cirelli, R.J. Greenspan, and G. Tononi (2000) Genetic screening of sleep-like behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 26:655.613.

1102. Cirelli, C., and G. Tononi (2000) Sleep, waking and neural plasticity: The expression of P-CREB, BDNF, BiP and arc across the sleep-waking cycle and after sleep deprivation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 26:655.625.

1103. Habeck, C.G., S.L. Hill, G.M. Edelman, and G. Tononi (2000) Simulating the dynamics of sleep and waking in a large-scale model of the thalamocortical system. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 26:461.462.

1104. Moran, D.W., G.A. Reina, and A.B. Schwartz (2000) Long term analysis of a single motor cortical cell. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 26:553.512.

1105. Nitz, D.A., and G. Tononi (2000) Rhythmic high-frequency discharge of cerebellar neurons independent of sleep/wake state. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 26:742.742.

1106. Reina, G.A., D.W. Moran, and A.B. Schwartz (2000) Analysis of the functional connectivity between motor cortical neurons and EMG during drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 26:553.513.

1107. Shaw, B.K., G.G. Kennedy, and E. Balaban (2000) To crow like a chicken or a quail: Species differences in androgen receptor distribution in relation to species differences in an androgen-dependent behavior. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 26:269.263.

1108. Shaw, P.J., C. Cirelli, R.J. Greenspan, and G. Tononi (2000) Genetic screening of sleep-like behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts.

1109. Krichmar, J.L., J.A. Snook, G.M. Edelman, and O. Sporns (2000) Experience-dependence of categorization in a behaving real-world device. Fourth International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems.

1110. Nitz, D.A., and G. Tononi (2001) REM sleep and SWS whisker EMG activity in the rat. Sleep 24:A40.

1111. Nitz, D.A., B. van Swinderen, G. Tononi, and R.J. Greenspan (2001) Rest/activity correlates of mushroom body local field potentials in Drosophila. CSHL Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting 2001:40.

1112. Shaw, P.J. (2001) Homeostatic and circadian aspects of sleep-like behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting:172.

1113. van Swinderen, B., D.A. Nitz, and R.J. Greenspan (2001) Local field potential recordings and visually evoked responses in Drosophila. CSHL Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting 2001:61.

1114. Krichmar, J.L., and G.M. Edelman (2001) Categorization and conditioning in a behaving real-world device. Fifth International Conference On Cognitive and Neural Systems.

1115. Shaw, P.J., and G. Tononi (2001) Changes in gene expression during the sleep-wake cycle after lesions of the serotonergic system. Sleep 24:A151.

1116. Chen, Y., and D.A. Nitz (2001) Modeling sources of variability in cerebellar inter-spike intervals: Integration of multiple Gaussian distributions. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:828.822.

1117. Junger, H., D.B. Edelman, S. Junger, and W.G. Junger (2001) Hypertonicity promotes survival of corticospinal motor neurons via mapk kinase. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:933.912.

1118. Krichmar, J.L., S.J. Nasuto, R. Scorcioni, S.D. Washington, and G.A. Ascoli (2001) Effects of dendritic morphology on CA3 pyramidal cell electrophysiology: A simulation study. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:153.159.

1119. Nitz, D.A. (2001) Spatially-modulated discharge of single units of parietal cortex in rats running multiple routes in a labyrinth: Evidence for path segmentation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:744.743.

1120. Walcott, E.C., D.A. Nitz, and Y. Chen (2001) Detection of rhythmic discharge of single units: Comparison of cerebellar, hippocampal, and cortical spike trains in behaving rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:828.823.

1121. Patel, A.D., and E. Balaban (2001) Dynamics of the auditory steady-state response: Short-timescale neural tracking of tone sequences studied with whole-head MEG. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:621.611.

1122. Reina, G.A., and A.B. Schwartz (2001) Eye-hand kinematic coupling during drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:940.917.

1123. Schwartz, A.B., and D.W. Moran (2001) Cortical representations of perceived and actual drawing. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 27:289.286.

1124. Edelman, D.B., R. Meech, C. Koenigsberger, H.P. Makarenkova, and F.S. Jones (2001) Expression and function of Barx proteins in skeletal and branching morphogenesis. Gordon Research Conference on Cell and Molecular Biology of Bones and Teeth Meriden, New Hampshire.

1125. Jones, F.S., D.B. Edelman, C. Koenigsberger, J.J. Chicca II, H.P. Makarenkova, and R. Meech (2001) Expression and function of the Barx2 homeobox protein. Gordon Research Conference on Cell and Molecular Biology of Bones and Teeth Meriden, New Hampshire.

1126. Toma, D.P., K.P. White, and R.J. Greenspan (2001) Genetic basis for differential geotactic behavior in selected lines of Drosophila melanogaster analyzed with DNA microarrays and mutants. Drosophila Research Conference 42:851B.

1127. Nitz, D.A., B. van Swinderen, G. Tononi, and R.J. Greenspan (2001) Local field potential recordings from Drosophila mushroom bodies and their modulation by activity state. Sleep 24:A144.

1128. Jones, F.S., D.M. McKean, R. Meech, D.B. Edelman, R.J. Oakey, and P.L. Jones (2002) Regulation of vascular smooth muscle cell growth and adhesion by paired-related homeobox genes. Chest 121:89S-90S.

1129. Patel, A.D., J.R. Iversen, Y. Chen, and B.H. Repp (2002) Tapping to the beat of auditory and visual rhythmic sequences. New England Sequencing and Timing Meeting.

1130. Edelman, D.B., and F.S. Jones (2002) A cluster of Alu repeats within the gene encoding the L1 cell adhesion molecule may have aquired a regulatory role in the course of hominoid evolution. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 71st Annual Meeting.

1131. Toma, D.P., K.P. White, and R.J. Greenspan (2002) Genetic basis for extreme geotaxis response in selected lines of Drosophila melanogaster analyzed with DNA microarrays and mutants. Drosophila Research Conference 43:846C.

1132. Israel, S.L., and P.J. Shaw (2002) Selection of short -"sleeping" flies. Associated Professional Sleep Societies Annual Meeting.

1133. Owens, G.C., S.K. Mistry, B. White, G.M. Edelman, and K.L. Crossin (2002) Efficient marking of neural stem cells with a modified murine embryonic stem cell virus, MESV2. Molecular Therapy 5:S31:86.

1134. Patel, A.D. (2002) The imprint of linguistic prosody on Western classical music. 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition.

1135. Patel, A.D., J.R. Iversen, Y. Chen, and B.H. Repp (2002) Tapping to the beat of auditory and visual rhythmic sequences. 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition.

1136. Makarenkova, H.P., D.B. Edelman, F.S. Jones, and R. Meech (2002) The homeobox transcription factor Barx2 modulates chondrogenesis and is regulated by GDF5. Santa Cruz Conference on Developmental Biology.

1137. van Swinderen, B., and R.J. Greenspan (2002) Physiology and neuroanatomy of selective attention in the brain of Drosophila. Neurofly 2002.

1138. van Swinderen, B., and R.J. Greenspan (2002) Physiology and neuroanatomy of selective attention in the brain of Drosophila. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:674.621.

1139. Keefer, E.W., and K.L. Crossin (2002) Pharmacology of neuronal stem cell-derived networks. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:25.13.

1140. McKinstry, J.L., A.K. Seth, G.M. Edelman, and J.L. Krichmar (2002) Synchronous activity binds visual stimulus properties viewed by a brain-based device. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:558.512.

1141. Kargo, W.J., and D.A. Nitz (2002) Assessment of motor learning in a reach-to-grasp task in rats. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:675.674.

1142. Nitz, D.A., and W.J. Kargo (2002) Alterations in modulation of forelimb motor cortical activity accompany improved reaching performance. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:675.675.

1143. Quinn, L.K., G.M. Pechenik, A.A. Chiba, and D.A. Nitz (2002) Local field potential recordings in the rat basa forebrain reveal prominent bursts of theta- and beta/gamma- frequency activity. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:584.512.

1144. Siegel, J.J., G.E. Hough, D.A. Nitz, and V.P. Bingman (2002) Space-specific single-unit activity in the homing pigeon hippocampus: A first order analysis. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:477.411.

1145. Stonehouse, A.H., M. Adachi, and F.S. Jones (2002) Psychoactive and antipsychoahotic drugs regulate expression of the dopamine D2 receptor. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:359.310.

1146. Walcott, E.C., and K.D. Long (2002) Shifts in the activity of developing neuronal networks following manipulation of vip levels. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 28:629.611.

1147. Edelman, D.B., and E.W. Keefer (2002) Effects of tri-iodothyronine on electrical activity, mitochondrial morphology, and mtDNA copy number in cultured neuronal networks. American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting 13 (suppl.):126a.

1148. Chen, Y., and D.A. Nitz (2002) Evidence for slow (2-10Hz) and gamma frequency coherence between spike trains and local field potentials in the cerebellum. Computational Neuroscience Meeting.

1149. Cirelli, C., G.C. Owens, T. Deboer, I. Tobler, and G. Tononi (2002) A family of RNA binding proteins upregulated during sleep. European Sleep Meeting.

1150. Greenspan, R.J., and P.J. Shaw (2002) Sleep in Drosophila: What are the elements of a 'genetic dissection'? Journal of Sleep Research 11(Suppl. 1):86.

1151. Meech, R., H.P. Makarenkova, D.B. Edelman, and F.S. Jones (2002) Expression of the Barx2 homeobox protein is regulated by myogenic factors and promotes myogenesis. Santa Cruz Conference on Developmental Biology.

1152. Shaw, P.J. (2003) Lethal effects of sleep deprivation in Drosophila melanogaster. National Fly Meeting.

1153. Walcott, E.C., and K.D. Long (2003) Vasoactive intestinal peptide potentiates spontaneous network activity in embryonic hippocampal cultures. Substrate-Integrated Multielectrode Array (SIMEA) Conference.

1154. Patel, A.D., J.R. Iversen, Y. Chen, and B.H. Repp (2003) Synchronizing to the beat of a rhythmic "missing fundamental". Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting.

1155. Krichmar, J.L., J.L. McKinstry, G.M. Edelman, and A.K. Seth (2003) Visual binding through reentrant connectivity and synchronization in a brain-based device. 7th International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems.

1156. Seth, A.K., and G.M. Edelman (2003) Theoretical neuroanatomy: Analyzing the structure, function, and dynamics of networks in the brain. 23rd Annual Conference of the Center for Nonlinear Studies.

1157. Adachi, M., and F.S. Jones (2003) The DNA elements that regulate neuronal and non-neuronal expressions of the MeCP2 gene. 4th Annual Rett Syndrome Symposium Abstracts:15.

1158. Andretic, R., and P.J. Shaw (2003) Sexual dimorphism and critical periods influence sleep in D. melanogaster. Associated Professional Sleep Societies Meeting Abstracts.

1159. Patel, A.D., and J.R. Iversen (2003) Verbal symbols of musical sounds. Society for Music Perception and Cognition.

1160. Patel, A.D., J.R. Iversen, Y. Chen, and B.H. Repp (2003) Tapping to the beat of complex rhythmic sequences: What cues matter? 7th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition.

1161. Seth, A.K., and B.J. Baars (2003) Can Neural Darwinism explain consciousness? An empirical evaluation. 7th International Conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness.

1162. Izhikevich, E.M. (2003) Bursts as a unit of neural information. 5th International Workshop on Neuronal Coding.

1163. Dierick, H.A., and R.J. Greenspan (2003) Selection for aggressive behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting.

1164. van Swinderen, B. (2003) Uncoupling brain activity and arousal from movement in Drosophila. Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting:283.

1165. Andretic, R., B. van Swinderen, and R.J. Greenspan (2003) Flies on meth: Behavioral and physiological studies of arousal. Neurobiology of Drosophila Meeting Abstracts:85.

1166. Adachi, M., and F.S. Jones (2003) Neuronal and non-neuronal regulation of the MeCP2 gene promoter. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:646.610.

1167. Iversen, J.R., Y. Chen, A.K. Seth, and G.M. Edelman (2003) Attention increases long distance phase coherence, but not power, of the cortical auditory steady-state response in a bimodal paradigm. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:401.418.

1168. Izhikevich, E.M., and N.S. Desai (2003) Relating STDP to BCM. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:257.210.

1169. Izhikevich, E.M., N.S. Desai, E.C. Walcott, and F.C. Hoppensteadt (2003) Bursts as a unit of neural information. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:171.117.

1170. Keefer, E.W., C.T. Fredrickson, and G.C. Owens (2003) A specific reduction of superoxide dismutase 2 expression by primary dopaminergic neurons in rat mesencephalic cultures. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:732.718.

1171. Seth, A.K., J.L. McKinstry, and J.L. Krichmar (2003) Conditioning and texture discrimination by a brain-based device with whiskers. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:58.55.

1172. Makarenkova, H.P., and G.C. Owens (2003) Alternatively splice varients of protocadherin 8 exhibit distinct pattern of expression during mouse development. American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting.

1173. Meech, R., D.B. Edelman, F.S. Jones, and H.P. Makarenkova (2003) Transcriptional regulation of limb development. American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting.

1174. Andretic, R., and P.J. Shaw (2003) Sexual dimorphism and critical periods influence sleep in Drosophila melanogaster. Sleep 26:A415.

1175. Shaw, P.J., and R. Toledo (2003) The effects of acute sleep deprivation, starvation and heat exposure on life-span in Drosophila. Sleep 26:A415.

1176. Dierick, H.A. (2004) Selection for aggressive behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila Research Conference:45.119.

1177. Toma, D.P., and R.J. Greenspan (2004) Genotype-expression-phenotype correlations in Drosophila geotaxis. Drosophila Research Conference.

1178. Iversen, J.R., A.D. Patel, and K. Ohgushi (2004) Perception of nonlinguistic rhythmic stimuli by American and Japanese listeners. 8th Intl. Congress of Acoustics.

1179. Owens, G.C., C.T. Fredrickson, and E.W. Keefer (2004) Development of a feline immunodeficiency virus-based lentiviral vector for genetic modification of CNS neurons. Molecular Therapy 9:S280.

1180. Adachi, M., and F.S. Jones (2004) The DNA elements that regulate the MeCP2 gene promoter in neuronal cells. 5th Annual Rett Syndrome Symposium Abstracts:20.

1181. Patel, A.D., J.R. Iversen, and K. Ohgushi (2004) Cultural differences in non-linguistic rhythm perception: What is the influence of native language? Cognitive Society Annual Meeting.

1182. Andretic, R., R.J. Greenspan, and P.J. Shaw (2004) Brain mechanisms regulating sexually dimorphic sleep in Drosophila. Gordon Research Conference Abstracts.

1183. Adachi, M., and F.S. Jones (2004) Studies on the MeCP2 gene promoter in neuronal cells. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 30:239.220.

1184. Iversen, J.R., and A.D. Patel (2004) Physical and cognitive modulation of the auditory steady-state response during bistable auditory stream segregation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:200.208.

1185. Izhikevich, E.M. (2004) Which model to use for cortical spiking neurons? Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:517.512.

1186. Kargo, W.J., and D.A. Nitz (2004) Mice adapt phasic and tonic components of frontal cortical ensemble activity during action sequence learning. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:771.714.

1187. Quinn, L.K., A.A. Chiba, and D.A. Nitz (2004) Experience-dependent bursts of beta-frequency oscillations in the basal forebrain of rats performing an associative learning task. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:667.610.

1188. Siegel, J.J., D.A. Nitz, and V.P. Bingman (2004) Lateralized response properties of hippocampal neurons recorded from freely behaving pigeons. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:667.667.

1189. Walcott, E.C., and N.S. Desai (2004) Muscarinic modulation of intrinsic currents in rat forelimb motor cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:516.519.

1190. Zheng, W. (2004) Expansion of frequency spatial representation in the dorsal cochlear nucleus induced by chronic exposure of adult rats to low-level white noise. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 29:304.317.

1191. Andretic, R., and P.J. Shaw (2004) Brain mechanisms regulating sexually dimorphic sleep in Drosophila. European Sleep Society Abstracts.

1192. Andretic, R., B. van Swinderen, and R.J. Greenspan (2004) Role of dopamine in methamphetamine-induced arousal in Drosophila. European Sleep Society Abstracts.

1193. Krichmar, J.L., D.A. Nitz, and G.M. Edelman (2004) Object recognition, adaptive behavior and learning in brain-based devices. Third International Conference on Development and Learning.

1194. Patel, A.D., J.R. Iversen, and J.C. Rosenberg (2004) Comparing rhythm and melody in speech and music: The case of English and French. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116:2645.

1195. Iversen, J.R., and A.D. Patel (2005) Physical and cognitive modulation of the auditory steady-state response during bistable auditory stream segregation. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting.

1196. Patel, A.D., J.R. Iversen, Y. Chen, and B.H. Repp (2005) Attentional modulation of cortical auditory and visual steady-state responses in a bimodal paradigm. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting.

1197. Iversen, J.R., B.H. Repp, and A.D. Patel (2005) Metrical interpretation modulates brain responses to rhythmic sequences. Neurosciences and Music II.

1198. Adachi, M., and F.S. Jones (2005) A segment of the MeCP2 promoter sufficient to drive expression in neurons. 6th Annual Rett Syndrome Symposium Abstracts:20.

1199. Meech, R., and H.P. Makarenkova (2005) Barx2 plays a dual role in muscle development. 15th International Society for Developmental Biology Congress:S79.

1200. Andretic, R., B. van Swinderen, and R.J. Greenspan (2005) How arousing is dopamine in Drosophila? Cold Spring Harbor Neurobiology of Drosophila 93.

1201. Adachi, M., and F.S. Jones (2005) A segment of the MeCP2 promoter sufficient to drive expression in neurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 2005:564.519.

1202. Casimiro, T.M., P.W. Vanderklish, and N.S. Desai (2005) Intrinsic physiology and plasticity in FMR1 knockout mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts:737.731.

1203. Desai, N.S., and E.C. Walcott (2005) Synaptic bombardment modulates muscarinic effects. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts:736.731.

1204. Izhikevich, E.M., J.A. Gally, and G.M. Edelman (2005) Spike timing dynamics of neuronal groups. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts:276.214.

1205. Seth, A.K., G.M. Edelman, and J.L. Krichmar (2005) Distinguising cause from context in neural dynamics during spatial navigation. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts:688.617.

1206. Meech, R., K. Gonzalez, and H.P. Makarenkova (2005) Barx2 regulates muscle cell plasticity. American Society of Cell Biology Annual Meeting.

1207. Tsatmali, M., E.C. Walcott, and K.L. Crossin (2005) Reactive oxygen species regulate protein tyrosine phosphorylation, calbindin expression and the phenotype of newly born cortical neurons. American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting:3664.

1208. Walcott, E.C., K.L. Crossin, and H.P. Makarenkova (2005) Epidermal growth factor (EGF) regulates differentiation of small gaba-ergic cortical neurons. American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting.

1209. Iversen, J.R., A.D. Patel, Y. Chen, J.A. Gally, and G.M. Edelman (2008) Selective attention to one of two competing auditory rhythms modulates phase of brain response. Cognitive Neurosciences Society Annual Meeting.

1210. Owens, G.C., E.C. Walcott, and J.Y. Delgado (2013) Imaging mitochondrial dynamics and transcriptional control in living neurons. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts:408.405.

1211. Miconi, T. (2016) Backpropagation of Hebbian plasticity for continual learning. NIPS 2016 Continual Learning and Deep Networks Workshop.